1992 * Brno, Czech Republic


2011 - 2014 CTU in Prague, Czech Republic, Architecture and urbanism, BSc
2014  TU Delft, Netherlands - The Why Factory
2015  HOSEI University, Tokyo, Japan - Shimohigoshi Lab
2014 - 2017 CTU in Prague, Czech Republic, Architecture and Urbanism, Ing. arch.
2017 -  2019 TU Delft, Netherlands, Master Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences , MSc


2013 3rd place in the student competition Druhá kůže, CTU, Prague
2015 3rd place in the student competition Superstudio, Prague
2017 2nd place for the best graduation project, Czech Chamber of Architects, Prague
2018 selection for ARGUS Annual and Expo 2017/2018 (showcase of TU Delft master projects)


2013 summer internship in Atelier Stepan, Brno, Czech Republic
2015 - 2017 intern in edit architects, Prague, Czech Republic
2016 summer internship in JRKVC, Bratislava, Slovakia
2019 - 2020 Schenker Salvi Weber, Vienna, Austria
2020 - 2021 consequence forma, Brno, Czech Republic

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