We can isolate the river as the void in the place and main node that interface others. Emerging the different land- scapes we create the new skeleton, an another artificial landscape, which will connect and interface these surfaces. So the problem can not be solved by one bridge connecting two different areas. It is about understanding the whole site, unify the whole site by creating the skeleton, which has potentials for growth and change.
We introduce the new multilevel orthogonal grid, where the city becomes the composition of bridges. The bridge becomes the city. In this notion, It allows connections and linkage to many spots of the site.
The new multifunctional grid contains bridges, walkways, buildings, social spaces, traffic transportation, greenery. The diversity of function which creates the new city. The streets, public spaces, squares, parks are the grammar of the city; they provide the structure that enables cities to come to life and accommodate diverse activities.
The skeleton contains the notion of humanity by separation of traffic and pedestrian streets in two different layers so that create a pleasure for visitors, passers-by, as well as for those who live, work and play there. Everyone has accessibility to public spaces, to the different environment, to water, to greenery. The city invites people. The city invites life.
The system of the grid is not defined with a particular position of the space. The main idea is to create the system which could take a place in a different environment. But to start, we located our experiment in Prague on the river Vltava between Karlín and Holešovice.
We introduce the new multilevel orthogonal grid, where the city becomes the composition of bridges. The bridge becomes the city. In this notion, It allows connections and linkage to many spots of the site.
The new multifunctional grid contains bridges, walkways, buildings, social spaces, traffic transportation, greenery. The diversity of function which creates the new city. The streets, public spaces, squares, parks are the grammar of the city; they provide the structure that enables cities to come to life and accommodate diverse activities.
The skeleton contains the notion of humanity by separation of traffic and pedestrian streets in two different layers so that create a pleasure for visitors, passers-by, as well as for those who live, work and play there. Everyone has accessibility to public spaces, to the different environment, to water, to greenery. The city invites people. The city invites life.
The system of the grid is not defined with a particular position of the space. The main idea is to create the system which could take a place in a different environment. But to start, we located our experiment in Prague on the river Vltava between Karlín and Holešovice.

The impact of the grid reaches the further. On the orthogonal grid, we developed the typology of organizing the structure which is flexible and changeable so it leaves many possibilities and potentials for dwellers for using the spaces.
The typology of units is creating the alphabet for the city development.
The alphabet consisting of X, T, L, I.
The typology of units is creating the alphabet for the city development.
The alphabet consisting of X, T, L, I.

A city

There is a huge cylinder rising above you, upward you can see how the sky opens with the speedy clouds, underneath you can feel the wind and the waving of the river. In front of you, the land stretches to the horizon, and there is an elephant in the distance walking toward you. You are wondering where is the difference between outside and inside? Entering the tower you see the woman in a diving suit, standing on the edge of platform preparing to jump in the water. It is also a notion of combining the open and closed space. Climbing upstairs you can feel the joy in the air, followed by the echo of children voices, playing around trees. On the other side, the old man in bathrobe starts shouting to the children to finish the game because it is lunchtime. Going further, suddenly, in front of you the nuns appeared. It is followed by the sound of a church bell, ringing three times. At some point, you are not sure in which part you want to go or in which direction you head for. You are surrounded by plenty of activities. But the light, the buzzing of the air, leads you to the top of the tower, which represents the end of the journey, and brings your mind to the infinite of the existence. It is the dialogue between you and surroundings, between you and landscape. From afar, you can notice the dwellers, in their courtyards. There is another scene, the nude statues with gentle movements, shining at the sun, which gives you the impression of dancing silhouettes. From the tower, you reach the horizon of the city in the distance. People have variable opportunities in a way of sharing the common space and choosing the way of living which corresponds to their desires. In return from the journey, every segment of the structure is marked with some memory. The record of memory keeps your mind alive.


The woman in the first row, with the red hair and long white nails, is watching through the auditorium as she is waiting for somebody. You can feel sadness in her eyes. On the other side, there is an old man with the hat, trying to keep his eyes open, and not to fall asleep during the play. In ay. You can hear loud shouts and whistling of the audience. On the first floor, there is a gallery rising above you, which brings a new perspective to your views. When you reach the gallery, it looks as it is isolated from the stage and people. From one of the windows, you can see the lights of the city blocks sparkling in the water and creating an artistic scene. On the other side of the gallery, through the window, there is emptiness, as the existing city just disappeared. The black frame with the moon shining. At once, the structure gives you the feeling of being in two different dimensions, two different environments.


The sun rays are breaking through columns creating the shadows on a surface which give you the feeling of being in some huge temple. There is a direct connection between you and the water. The sailor tries to catch the rope and tie to the dock while the fishes are floundering in the fishing net. The wind brings the music of birds flying through the passage in a concentrated flock. It blocks your view in a way that it stops you to spend some time, watching the scene. After the scene, you are willing to experience something different and unique which will bring your mind in some completely different atmosphere. At some point, there is nothing around you. You can feel the void of space. There is no anymore the liveliness. Walking further space you run a structure which, at first view, looks as some volumetric monument. But at the end of the corridor, the doors appeared. At the entrance, at once, the mystery is revealed. It is the library. The importance of the structure is based on the contradiction. Slowly you become lost among shelves rising above you in different elevations. You can hear just the sound of turning the pages of a book as there is nothing happening outside. The city is based on the experience, giving you the opportunity to travel through different structures.


From the distance, in the boat, you can see just the flash of light reflecting from the windows. It creates a kind of temporary blindness not allowing you to perceive the space. But the drops of water splash your face awakening your mind. From the moment you arrive at the island, the building appears as a wall blocking your view to the surroundings. The feeling of curiosity is present. What is happening on the other side of the island? In front of you, the huge columns appeared which give you the opportunity to perceive some visual sequences in the distance. The building looks as it is living organism, laying on his legs. Suddenly the raging voice of elephants reaches you from the distance. The unit of wilderness makes the city alive.

studio blog: mostmesto2.blogspot.com
at CTU in Prague, 2017
led by Ondřej Císler and Miroslav Pazdera
together with: Barbara Polakova and Savka Marenić
at CTU in Prague, 2017
led by Ondřej Císler and Miroslav Pazdera
together with: Barbara Polakova and Savka Marenić